Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Starting Here, Starting Now

Well well well, here we are: The Blockhouse begins...

After listening to me fill a 3 hour car ride with anecdotes, asides and arcane references, my newly met passenger allowed that perhaps I should really be a writer. Now since I'd already picked the title--and font, mind you of this very, ehem, blog you are now reading--I couldn't really keep pretending that I wasn't interested in the concept. So I'm now pleased to report that as a direct result of a strangers gentle prod and the internet's proven history of offering people the opportunity to expose more of themselves then they might have originally expected, I am now a published author.

Wow, isn't this exciting? I feel strangely different and yet the same. What do you think? Time for a nap? Buy Gin?

Regardless I saved a lot of money on grad school.

So now what? What's to say, Will?

How about this: Make every effort to see what is right in front of you. It's that simple. See, just six weeks ago I found the Blockhouse tucked into the North Woods of Central Park. I had been running past it for years as I circled the park's outer loop. Just yards away but I never saw it. Now I return to it every chance I get. How many times can I get there this year?

What's your Blockhouse? What's in your town to find, explore, and return to again and again? Get off the treadmill and out into the open air.

I guarantee you'll be glad you did.